Summer Hours 9:00-10:15 am

8:30-8:50 - Intercessory Prayer– Open to all (in Library)

Nursery (Ages 0-2)

A Time of Prayer in the sanctuary following worship




Sept - May 6:00-7:30pm



Senior Fellowship

Thursdays at 10:00 - 11:30 am

A time to fellowship and listen to short presentations on various topics.


If you are initerested in any of the following Ministries please contact the church office for current activities and times.


We provide a nursery staffed with loving caretakers during Sunday morning services.  We also offer a family (cry) room with a window into the sanctuary where moms can care for their little ones in comfort and privacy.


The goal of our children’s ministry is to introduce children to God’s love and the stories of the Bible using an age-appropriate approach. 


Our Youth Group and Sunday morning youth class is a time for students from 7th through 12th grade to connect with each other and wise mentors from our church family. 


Youth Group meets at 6:00-7:30 pm on Wednesdays during the school year.


Adult classes are an opportunity to go deeper into scripture and what it means to be a person of faith. Classes cover a variety of topics with relevant application to our lives and the present day. 

Men's Ministry

The men gather at the church to study scripture every Saturday morning at 8:00 am to study the Bible. All ages and levels of maturity are wellcome.

Women's Ministry

The women of the church gather to connect, encourage and equip one another for life as disciples of Jesus. Women’s ministry at Community Church emphasizes studying God's Word in women's bible study and small group settings.


Bible Studies are held throughout the year on Friday mornings from 9:30-11:30 am.

Small Groups

Small groups are an opportunity to interact with others from our community of faith outside of Sunday morning and go deeper into God’s word and learn more about who God is. If you are interested in joining a small group, contact the church office.


The mission team leads our church in following Jesus Christ’s commission to make disciples both locally and throughout the world. We support a collection of long-term missionaries as well as those from our own congregation who have been called to carry the Gospel on short mission trips.


Our team of deacons is a group of wise and caring individuals elected by members of the congregation. Their job is to personally care for the physical and emotional needs of those from our church and the community around us. Anyone needing help is encouraged to contact the church office.